The DM said that chief minister Mayawati has consented to inaugurate the Lucknow Mahotsava on Wednesday. She will also be releasing the Mahotsava magazine `Urmila' during the event. He said that governor BL Joshi will declare the Mahotsava closed on December 5.
The Mahotsava will begin with performance by Prince Dance Group[ India's Got Talent & Boogey Woogey Champs] while Sunidhi Chauhan will sign off the cultural events.
Lucknow Mahotsava committee said that more than 24 types of swings will be installed to draw people. For a change, Lucknow Mahotsava will have information for farmers as well. A separate corner has been planned to give information on advances made in the field of agriculture.
Officials said that `Urmila' will include pictures and write-ups on the upcoming buildings in the city, besides prominent educational institutions. The souvenir is expected to have articles in Hindi and Urdu covering bygone and future faces of Lucknow.
Officials said that `Urmila' will include pictures and write-ups on the upcoming buildings in the city, besides prominent educational institutions. The souvenir is expected to have articles in Hindi and Urdu covering bygone and future faces of Lucknow.
As per the Mahotsava calendar, dancers Nalini-Kamalini will be the attraction on second day. Programmes by MA musical entertainment group, singer KK and dance ballet on Gautam Buddha are also slated for the day.
More attractions in store are film singer Abhijit Bhattacharya on November 30, performance by Wadali Brothers on December 1, live performance by cine singer Shaan on December 2. December 4 will be marked by the traditional Mushaira. The closing ceremony on December 5 will see foot-tapping numbers by singer Sunidhi Chauhan.